All Levels and Ages

Working as a team, fourth- and fifth-grade Girl Scouts earn the Bronze Award—the highest award for Girl Scout Juniors—by exploring and addressing a community issue that’s important to them. They’re leaders in the making!
Learn more about the Bronze Award, and try these activities to see if you’re ready to get started:
When you’re ready to go, contact your council so it can hook you up with everything you’ll need. Find your local Girl Scout council.
Working as a team or individually, sixth- through eighth-grade Girl Scouts earn the Silver Award—the highest award for Girl Scout Cadettes—by identifying the root of a community issue they care about and then rolling up their sleeves and getting to work!
Learn more about the Silver Award, and try these activities to see if you’re ready to get started:
Then, when you’re ready to get started, be sure to notify your council so it can hook you up with everything you’ll need. Find your local Girl Scout council.
Gold Award Girl Scouts are the dreamers and doers who take “make the world a better place” to the next level. To earn the Gold Award, high school Girl Scouts research the root cause of a community issue they’re passionate about and lead a team to tackle it by planning and implementing a project that has tangible and lasting impact on their communities and beyond.
Get inspired to go Gold by reviewing the resources below: